“That way, she eats all her sides, then gets to the main course and can actually eat it, try it, and enjoy a drink. If she is still hungry, she has no problem doing the same thing twice. It’s just a quirk she has, and it doesn’t bother me.”
He and his wife recently hosted a dinner party for her sister, her sister’s husband, and another couple.
While serving everyone their plates, he noticed his sister-in-law was eyeing him as he gave his wife her smaller plate of food.
He figured his sister-in-law knew about his wife’s eating habits and thought everything would be fine. His wife happily ate her first plate and eventually went back for seconds.
He figured everything was going smoothly until later, after dinner, when his sister-in-law confronted him while he was doing the dishes.
“She asked me why I was limiting my wife’s food,” he recalled.
“I kind of laughed because I was surprised by this. I said I wasn’t, and I explained everything. Her sister told me that was unacceptable and that my wife was allowed to eat [however] and [whatever] she wanted.”
He told his sister-in-law he agreed with her, but he only served his small plates because it was a better system for her stomach, and she’s never had a problem with it throughout their relationship.
Still, his sister-in-law didn’t trust him and went as far as to tell their other friends about the situation. While he defended himself against his sister-in-law’s accusations, her panic made him wonder if he was doing anything wrong.
Should he feel bad for giving his wife smaller plates, or is he being a considerate husband?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.