“We established boundaries and rules before we moved as they were a huge issue. We both agreed to the privacy of our space, so no one can sleep over as we are in a 700 square-foot one-bedroom apartment.”
Additionally, any time his wife’s family goes out to dinner or does anything involving spending money with them, they make her cover everything, and he wants to avoid that for a while so they can work on their savings.
During their discussion, which quickly became heated, his wife told him that he couldn’t understand where her family was coming from since his family had everything together and lived in their own homes.
He felt that wasn’t a very valid argument and told his wife that the financial status of her siblings wasn’t his problem and that he didn’t want to alter his routine or lifestyle to accommodate them, which made her very upset.
“I find it strange why I am being put in this position,” he admitted.
Was he too harsh with his wife?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.