“I said no, [because] she left them behind like trash, like she leaves everything, [and] they are mine now,” he recalled.
“She made noises about suing me [and] I told her to go ahead; I would love to take this public.”
Things progressively got worse as his ex began harassing their kids, screaming at them to give her back her dogs. Thankfully, because his kids are older, they’re less phased by her behavior and have stood their ground.
However, his ex continues to make a scene about the situation, especially because the breeder who sold her the dogs refuses to sell her more since discovering she abandoned the last two.
The only thing that makes him feel slightly guilty about keeping the dogs away from his ex is knowing that she paid a lot of money for them. Still, she was super quick to abandon them.
Should he feel bad for not giving his ex her dogs back?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.