
It’s Normal To Feel Sad Or Even Anxious After Returning Home From A Trip, So Here’s How To Beat The Post-Vacation Blues

Don’t dismiss your feelings

Because there’s so much pressure to relax on vacations and return home “rejuvenated,” it can be embarrassing and almost shameful to admit that you’re depressed after getting home.

However, there’s really nothing to be ashamed of. You just went on a wild ride, and now you must get back into the routine you wanted a break from.

Instead of suppressing or dismissing those feelings, acknowledge them and allow yourself to be upset. The goal is simply not to be upset for too long.

Incorporate parts of your vacation into your daily routine

When you were on your vacation, did you ever do something and think, “I need to do this more often?”

For instance, maybe you got a massage, ate some fresh food, or saw a historical landmark and told yourself you should do things like that more often. In this case, you should!

Add a piece of your vacation routine into your everyday routine to channel the contentment you felt while you were away.

Create a scrapbook or slideshow of your memories

While it may be a little painful to remind yourself of your vacation fun, after being home, you can look back on the fun memories from your vacation by creating a scrapbook or slideshow of your favorite pictures from your trip.

Doing this “honors” your trip in a way, giving it a special place in your home or your “cloud,” and you can look at it and remember not only what a great time you had but also how great it was that you treated yourself to such an adventure.

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