
She Exposed Her Stepsister And Boyfriend On Social Media For Both Having An Affair And Getting Pregnant

Unfortunately, things only got worse from there.

“Laura came over the next day, looking distraught, and confessed that she’s pregnant and that Jake is the father,” she recalled.

“She said she didn’t mean for this to happen and that she was sorry. I was devastated and furious. I told both of them that they betrayed me in the worst possible way. My mom is heartbroken too, torn between her daughter and stepdaughter.”

She was so angry and shocked by what happened between Jake and Laura that it fueled her to do something she now feels a bit guilty about. She took to social media and wrote a post that exposed their affair and pregnancy and published it.

The fallout from the post has been crazy, and now many of her friends and family are more angry with her for writing it than they are at Jake and Laura for what they did.

“They’re begging me to take the posts down, saying I’ve ruined their lives,” she added.

“My mom thinks I went too far and should have handled it privately [but] I feel like they deserved to be called out for their betrayal, but now I’m second-guessing my actions.”

Was she wrong to expose Jake and Laura on social media?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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