
He Screamed At His 60-Year-Old Dad’s Girlfriend, Whose In Her Thirties, And Said She Should Be Ashamed Of Herself For Pressuring His Father To Have Another Baby

Samara - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s understandable to want a big family, and in this market, it’s pretty aspirational, too.

But when is it time to finally draw a line and stop having any more kids?

This young man is 16-years-old and believes that his father, who is 60, needs to stop growing their family.

He is already one of six kids, and he’s actually the only person who still talks to his dad. The rest of his siblings are all estranged from their father.

His biological mother is no longer with his dad, either. Rather, his dad has a younger girlfriend – who is only in her mid-thirties.

According to him, his dad’s girlfriend has also been pressuring his dad to have another baby throughout the entire last year!

“I’m so tired of all these talks about their baby planning and proposal talks that I just want to put an end to it all,” he said.

So, just yesterday, he finally reached his breaking point and snapped. After he woke up in the morning and his dad left for work, he wound up screaming at his dad’s girlfriend.

First, he claimed that she should be ashamed of herself for wanting to bring another baby into this world with his father.

Samara – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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