
He Told His Wife That Her Body Doesn’t Look The Same As It Did Before Her Pregnancy, And Now He’s Worried He Really Hurt Her Feelings

insta_photos - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Many women feel very sensitive about the appearance of their evolving bodies when they have a baby, as it’s an experience that can drastically change the way they look.

A man is feeling guilty after admitting to his wife that her body looks different after giving birth to their first child.

He and his wife are in their early 30s and have been together since his college days. In school, they were both cross-country runners and very passionate about fitness. His wife was especially into running and stuck with it after graduation.

“She generally just loves eating healthy and working out, and in the past, I was actually worried she was a bit too obsessed with her fitness,” he said.

His wife struggled with eating disorders before he met her, but she’s insisted over the years that it wasn’t a problem anymore. He’s noticed that his wife will eat what seems to be a proper amount of food, but she does tend to be super precise about counting calories and tracking her macros.

When his wife got pregnant and had their first baby three months ago, a daughter, he could see something shifted in her. She began refusing to change in front of him and became insecure whenever her body was mentioned.

Things came to a head over a recent weekend when he decided to surprise his wife with a trip to their favorite beach town for just the two of them. His wife was excited when they left, but she developed anxiety when they got to their hotel and asked him if he “expected” her to sleep with him.

He was taken aback and reassured her that he only wanted to spend time with her and wouldn’t pressure her into doing anything she wasn’t comfortable with. Then, he asked her why the idea of sleeping together made her so nervous.

“My wife told me she doesn’t look the same as she did before and feels ashamed,” he recalled.

insta_photos – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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