
Her Girlfriend Wants To Move Into A New Apartment With Her, But She Doesn’t Know How To Tell Her Girlfriend That She Needs To Get A Job To Help Make It Happen

insta_photos - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 22-year-old woman and her girlfriend, who is 24, have been in a relationship for just over a year now. But, back when they first started dating, they both had full-time jobs.

Then, five months later, her girlfriend was ultimately let go due to health issues. Apparently, her girlfriend suffers from an autoimmune disorder that causes her to feel very fatigued and sick quite easily.

So, ever since her girlfriend lost her job, she’s been covering more expenses by herself.

“I have paid for her phone bill every three months, as well as give her money for food when she’s hungry, and if she wants a new game/fund her gaming addiction,” she detailed.

Now, though, her girlfriend’s lack of income is becoming a problem – because she wants to change her living situation.

For some context, they don’t currently live together. Rather, she lives alone in a house, and she wants to relocate to an apartment that’s closer to where she works.

“I commute almost an hour to work four times a week, and my girlfriend wants to move in with me,” she explained.

However, all of the apartments that they’ve begun looking at together require tenants to make nearly three times the rent rate per month. And even though she already works 12-hour shifts four days each week, she simply will not have enough to cover all the costs alone.

That’s why she started tossing around the idea of getting a second job.

insta_photos – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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