
She Wants To Divorce Her Husband After He Spoiled Her Surprise Birthday Party, Made Her Clean The House To Prepare For The Celebration, And Bought Her A Birthday Cake Flavor She Didn’t Even Like

Maya Kruchancova - - illustrative purposes only

Have you ever felt forced to plan a party for your birthday because people wouldn’t do it for you?

A woman is considering divorcing her husband after he made her clean up and prepare for her own “surprise” birthday party, and it was the cherry on top of a lot of painful incidents in their marriage.

She is 40 and has been married to her 41-year-old husband, Sam, for ten years. They each have children from a previous marriage and have an 11-year-old together. In total, they have four kids.

They’ve been through a lot together as a couple, including money issues and her having to work a second job while Sam continued to work a very labor-intensive one. She’s also noticed that Sam has become a lot more short-tempered and sometimes says hurtful things to her.

“I constantly feel that I am walking on eggshells around him, and one of the children recently told me that they hate how he treats me,” she said.

“I would say that 60% of the time, things are wonderful, and 40% of the time, I am unhappy.”

She recently celebrated her 40th birthday and felt extremely cared for and grateful when Sam revealed that he had planned a surprise party for her a few days prior.

She thought Sam told her because he was so excited and couldn’t hold in the news, but she became very disappointed when he told her because he expected her to “help him” clean up the house and prepare food for it.

Reluctantly, she helped Sam prepare for the party, holding out hope that he still managed to plan a fun event. Still, she was let down again.

Maya Kruchancova – – illustrative purposes only

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