When you were a young kid, there’s a good chance your parents put those little arm floaties on you before you hopped in the ocean or took a dip in the pool. That way, you could get around and stay safe—even without knowing how to swim properly.
A woman is angry with her daughter’s grandparents, who insist on putting her in floaties anytime she swims with them because she thinks they’re hindering her progress.
She is 24, and her daughter is four. She shares custody of her daughter with her ex and brings her to his parent’s house daily so they can watch her while her dad works.
Whenever her daughter is with her grandparents, they take her swimming and get her all geared up with goggles and arm floaties before letting her enter the pool. They said they prefer to do that so they don’t have to get in the pool with her and can simply observe her from the outside.
“I told them to stop putting them on her because she is in swim classes, and it causes delays and regressions in her skills and leads her to swim with unnatural skills,” she said.
“They told me it’s ‘okay,’ that it’s safer, and they feel more comfortable having her in the pool that way.”
She tried explaining the swim lessons to her ex’s parents and pointed out how since they started putting the floaties on her, she’s noticed her daughter struggle to be comfortable in the water without them, which is hurting her progress.
Even her daughter’s swimming instructor advised her to stop giving her the floaties, which made her feel helpless since it was all due to her ex’s parents.
During another conversation with her daughter’s grandparents, she claimed they should always be in the pool alongside her daughter so she could get some guidance while practicing her skills, and they accused her of being unfair.
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