This 25-year-old woman is married, and she and her husband, who is 28, are expecting their very first baby – a girl. Plus, their daughter is due in just three weeks.
“My husband and I are so very excited to meet her, and everything has honestly been going great,” she said.
However, about a week ago, one issue seemed to crop up in their relationship out of nowhere – and it involved what shows she likes to watch on TV.
For some context, she’s always loved crime shows and has actually watched series such as Law & Order and Criminal Minds numerous times over.
Yet, just last week, when she hit 35 weeks in her pregnancy, her husband suddenly had a problem with her choice of entertainment.
“He told me I should stop ‘in case the baby hears,'” she revealed.
At first, she seriously thought her husband was just kidding around. But it soon became clear that he was dead serious.
Her husband claimed to be concerned about their unborn baby listening to and “subconsciously absorbing” such heavy topic matter that’s covered in the television shows.
She, on the other hand, finds her husband’s perspective utterly ridiculous.
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