Her Sister Lied About Being Over Her Wedding Budget To Get More Money From Her For A Lavish Honeymoon And Accessories

chokniti - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
chokniti - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old woman’s little sister, who’s 25, is currently engaged and has been planning her wedding for over a year. She also saved up some funds and planned to help her sister fund the event.

“Our family isn’t wealthy, so we all pitched in a portion to make my sister’s dream wedding come true,” she recalled.

However, around three months ago, her sister approached her with some bad news. Apparently, the nuptials had gone way over budget, and she was asked to fork over an additional $10,000 to cover the extra costs. Her sister wanted the money in two $5,000 installments.

Obviously, this was a ton of dough, so she was understandably hesitant in the beginning. But, being that it was for her little sister, she wanted to show her support.

In the end, she agreed to foot the $10,000 bill, even though she needed to dip into her own savings.

“My sister promised that this would be the last of her financial requests and assured me that her budget was tight but manageable,” she detailed.

Well, just last week, she found out that her sister hadn’t been honest with her. Rather, a mutual friend spilled about how her sister had already saved up a significant amount of money for the ceremony.

Then, her sister started misrepresenting the wedding budget to her and her parents, who were all pitching in.

It came out that some of the funds she’d given her sister to pay for her guests’ hotel accommodations – which is normal in her culture – weren’t entirely needed after all. She had been told that each hotel room cost $200, yet after speaking to their mutual friend, she discovered the rooms only cost $110 each.

chokniti – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

On top of that, her sister had claimed that she wasn’t going on a honeymoon in order to save some cash. That simply wasn’t true, though, as she just learned that her sister sent details about a honeymoon to Fiji – an extremely expensive destination – in a group chat with friends.

“It is very clear my sister’s plan was to use the ‘extra’ money to fund her lavish honeymoon and to splurge on some high-end wedding accessories that weren’t budgeted for,” she revealed.

She was furious about this, too, and confronted her sister immediately. At that point, her sister owned up to exaggerating how much financial strain she’d been under to get more funding from their family.

This made her feel completely taken advantage of.

“And now, I’m rethinking whether I should still help with the remaining wedding costs. My sister’s been begging me to reconsider, but I can’t get over the betrayal,” she explained.

Her family is totally split on this as well. Some people think she’s being too harsh and should just overlook what happened so she doesn’t “ruin” anything at the last minute. At the same time, her husband and friends believe her sister has seriously crossed a line.

“I don’t want to be the villain in this story, but I also can’t shake the feeling that she needs to face the consequences of her actions,” she vented.

That’s why she’s no longer interested in giving her sister the last $5,000 payment, and she’s unsure if that is the right thing to do or not.

Do you think her sister deserves more money after this? What would you do in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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