Her Boyfriend Suddenly Started Going To The Gym For Over Four Hours At A Time, And She Thinks He’s Actually Cheating

fizkes - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If your partner never exercised and then randomly started going to the gym and disappearing for hours on end, would you find it a bit suspicious?

This woman has recently found herself in the same strange boat. All of a sudden, her boyfriend, who never used to work out, has begun going to the gym for over four hours at a time out of nowhere.

“I didn’t think much of it at first,” she recalled.

Then, she noticed a pattern. He would always go to the gym at night, meaning he was gone for much of the evening. And as soon as he got home, he would immediately take a shower.

On top of that, her boyfriend would avoid kissing her or doing anything else until he was done washing up.

So, she eventually couldn’t take it anymore and called her boyfriend out. She admitted to thinking that something was off about his “gym” routine.

Well, he totally tried to flip the script and throw the blame on her, calling her crazy.

“But I really have a bad feeling about this. I just don’t have any proof,” she explained.

That led her to set some boundaries with her boyfriend. More specifically, she claimed that he should get home within two hours of leaving for the gym, not four. She also told him that, until her trust was regained, he should come back early.

fizkes – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She realizes that she isn’t his mother. On the other hand, though, she genuinely has no idea why someone would supposedly work out for four hours straight.

“Keep in mind, he’s not a super muscular guy at all,” she added.

Unfortunately, her boyfriend didn’t like the rules she put in place and called her a “psycho” for giving him a curfew.

She knows that if her boyfriend truly isn’t cheating, then she will be at fault here.

“But because of all the hints, I think it’s justified to tell him to cut it short, at least until trust is there,” she reasoned.

Nonetheless, her boyfriend obviously disagrees. And now the tension in their relationship has made her wonder if she’s handling this situation the right way.

Might her boyfriend’s new exercise regimen be a red flag? Or could he genuinely be working on his fitness? What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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