7 Ways To Perfect The Art Of Charming A Man

Charming Someone Is An Art Form

rilueda – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person – pictured above a woman sits in a restaurant with a drink in front of her
The following column is the opinion and analysis of the writer. There really is an art form to charming someone, especially if you’re a woman trying to charm a man.
While that may sound cheesy, approaching a guy with a charming attitude and vibe will level up your flirting game and overall social interactions.
Here Are 7 Ways To Perfect The Art Of Charming A Man

spaxiax – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person – pictured above a man in a suit walks outside
If you’re not usually described as the ‘charming’ type but wouldn’t mind carrying around that title, here are a few tips for charming a man on your next date or night out!

rostyslav84 – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple enjoys dinner in a restaurant
There is nothing that says “zero charm” like not smiling while conversing with someone. If you’re really vibing with this guy or want to impress him, show it in your smile! Smiling is one of the best ways to put someone at ease and show some charm.
Use Eye Contact

asashka – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person – pictured above a woman smiles while sitting outside
Charming people are usually always very invested in their social interactions, and one of the strongest ways to show investment is to use eye contact. Friendly eye contact during a conversation radiates confidence, friendliness, intimacy, and, of course, charm.
Remember And Use Their First Name

Photo 97981110 © Nejron – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple clinks their wine glasses together in a restaurant
If you’re trying to charm a guy you’re meeting for the first time out of the blue, remember his name! We’ve all been in situations where we’ve met someone in a crowded or busy space like a bar or party and forgotten their name due to the night’s chaos.
But if you really want to turn on the charm, you shouldn’t only remember their first name but also use it in your conversations!
Show Interest In What He Does

ASDF – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person – pictured above a woman sits on a glass table in her office
Guys will feel much more charmed by ladies who show genuine interest in what they do or their passions than those who don’t. Listen closely to what he’s telling you and respond! Ask further questions, make comments, and let him know that you’re interested.
And hey, if you’re actually not at all interested in his likes or passions, then maybe you shouldn’t worry so much about charming that guy.
Give And Accept Compliments

Julie F/peopleimages.com – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person – pictured above a man sits alone having a drink at a bar
There’s nothing more charming than a person who loves to compliment others. Compliments are extremely charming and flattering! Complimenting a guy’s clothes, hair, watch, etc., shows that you’re paying attention to him and like him.
You should also avoid shying away from compliments given to you. If a guy compliments you in good taste, accept it, say thank you, and maybe tell a story about what he complimented! Shying away from compliments or blatantly not acknowledging them is not very charming.
Avoid Negative Vibes

BGStock72 – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple laughs while walking down the street
When trying to charm someone, you don’t want any negativity to come into your conversation and ruin the moment. Avoid negative topics and subjects as much as you can!
For instance, you don’t want to suddenly start bad-mouthing someone or begin talking about something really dark that happened in your life while trying to turn on the charm! All that would do is turn it off.
Be Confident

Duvy McGirr – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple smiles outside
Some of the most charming people I know are charming because they radiate confidence. You don’t have to be the most confident person in the room or walk around like a superstar, but being assured in yourself and owning your actions will surely help your mission a lot.
Remember, don’t feel like you have to turn on the charm for guys you don’t like or don’t get good vibes from. But if you know you’ll be seeing or meeting a guy you have a big crush on soon, keep these tips in mind and charm away!
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