He Canceled A Christmas Trip To Disney After His Girlfriend Tried To Get Him To Pay For Her Ex To Go

White room interior in red tones with New Year tree decorated, present boxes and artificial fireplace
Ekaterina - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only - pictured above is a room decorated for Christmas

This man and his girlfriend, Ashley, have been dating for three years, and he’s taken on a role in her children’s lives. She has two kids, ages 12 and 9, and he gets along with them well.

“I’m not their dad, but they are polite and respectful. My parents have bought them Christmas and birthday gifts ever since they met,” he said.

And due to the fact he had a “good year” in terms of finances, he wanted to do something special for the children this holiday season. He spoke to Ashley, and they decided to take the kids to Disney World for Christmas.

The only issue is that his gift idea suddenly became marred by Ashley’s ex, the kids’ father. After her ex heard about the trip, her ex also wanted to tag along with his wife and their child.

He never wanted to go away on a vacation with Ashley’s ex or his family. He made that clear, too, and told Ashley that he’d prefer if it were just them, especially because this trip was going to be their first “big family holiday.”

Nonetheless, Ashley claimed that her ex really wanted to be there during the children’s first trip to Disney, and eventually, he caved.

Things only got worse afterward, though. He soon found out that Ashley’s ex couldn’t afford to stay at the same hotel he’d originally booked, the Grand Floridian. So, he was expected to change their reservation and find cheaper accommodations.

“Fine, I don’t really care. I wanted to treat the kids to something awesome, but as long as we stay somewhere nice, then I’m happy,” he explained.

“We chose a good neighbor hotel at Disney Springs. It’s nice and still allows for early entrance and has character events and such.”

White room interior in red tones with New Year tree decorated, present boxes and artificial fireplace

Ekaterina – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only – pictured above is a room decorated for Christmas

However, he later learned that Ashley’s ex had something else in mind. Apparently, he was supposed to cancel their Grand Floridian booking and use the leftover money to foot the bill for an extra suite at the other hotel!

In other words, Ashley’s ex only intended to “pitch in” by paying for his own flight, as well as flights for his wife and child.

He was totally shocked by that and refused to pay for her ex’s lodging. Ashley was livid, too, and stated that her kids really wanted their father to go.

Regardless, he wouldn’t budge, saying that her ex was welcome to take her kids to Disney alone then. This caused Ashley to accuse him of being cheap since he could afford to cover it all.

“I can, but that’s not the point. I do not want to do this. I can afford to do a lot of things. I only do them if I want to do so,” he reasoned.

He and Ashley ultimately got into a massive argument, and in the end, he gave her the Disney tickets for her and her kids. At the same time, he canceled their flights and hotel rooms.

She’s furious, given how she’d already spent money to get her kids’ passports and luggage. Even so, he just offered to reimburse her for the costs. Ashley’s ex has also reached out to him directly, calling him a jerk for hurting the children.

“I said it probably hurt them more when he had a kid with another woman and left their mom to go be with her,” he revealed.

He genuinely doesn’t believe he’s in the wrong here, and he clearly doesn’t plan to back down. But on the flip side, he can’t help but wonder if canceling the Disney trip over his girlfriend’s ex is really so unreasonable or not.

Is it fair that he’s expected to pay for his girlfriend’s ex after he was only trying to give her kids a nice Christmas gift? What advice would you give him? 

You can read the original post below.

Pictured above is a screenshot of the original post for you to read

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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