Her Boyfriend’s Threatening To Leave Because He’s Done Dating An Office Zombie And Wants To Live Off The Grid

viacheslav - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old woman has been dating her boyfriend, who’s 27, for two years, but he is extremely “anti-corporate.” She, on the other hand, has an office job and has been doing quite well in her position.

“I mean, it’s not my ‘life’s passion’ or anything, but it’s solid. I’m decent at it, and hey, it pays the bills,” she said.

Despite that, her boyfriend began seriously pressuring her to quit her job around a year ago. He’d always talk about how capitalism was “trash,” believing that anyone who worked a “normal” job was brainwashed.

Then he turned his focus to her, urging her to “break free” and find herself outside of her job. He wants them both to lead a carefree and spontaneous life together.

“He’s got these big dreams of us ‘living off the grid’ with zero responsibilities but no actual plan on how we’re supposed to survive other than ‘going with the flow,'” she revealed.

She has asked her boyfriend for more details, too. Yet, each time, he’d just become super vague or accuse her of not understanding what “true freedom” was.

And a few days ago, he took things even further by giving her an ultimatum. More specifically, her boyfriend threatened to break up with her unless she quit her job, saying that he was done dating an “office zombie.”

The real kicker? He claimed that she was the one holding him back in life!

“I tried explaining that, like, I actually like my life the way it is, and it’s my paycheck that’s covering our rent and food half the time, not his little ‘side hustles,'” she recalled.

viacheslav – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Nonetheless, when she told her boyfriend no, he stormed out. Their friends have since heard about the situation as well, and they’re all split.

Some think he’s trying to guilt-trip her into dropping everything and following his fantasy life, while others stated she was missing out on a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity.

Now, she’s been left wondering if picking stability over her boyfriend’s idea of a “free spirit” lifestyle is really so insane or not.

Is she doing the right thing by thinking realistically? Are her boyfriend’s behavior and beliefs a red flag? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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