Her Husband Took Their Baby To A Sleepover At An Unknown Woman’s House, And He Won’t Tell Her Anything About The Mystery Woman

Prostock-studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or baby - pictured above a brunette woman plays with an infant on her lap

This 30-year-old woman and her husband, who’s 37, just welcomed a baby boy into the world last fall, and she adores her son.

“He is the most adorable little boy ever, playful and bubbly,” she said.

However, a mutual friend recently reached out to her and shared something shocking. The friend claimed to have seen her husband with her baby out at night in a specific area they’d never been to a couple of weeks ago.

She was particularly surprised because, first of all, she doesn’t live close to where her husband and baby were spotted. Secondly, she was at work that evening, as she works in healthcare, and her husband was supposed to be home with their son.

They’d even said goodbye before her night shift. In fact, her husband had dropped her off, and he never mentioned going anywhere with their baby afterward except for home.

“My mind went through multiple scenarios of what could have gone wrong at that place, and I believe it was completely irresponsible to jeopardize my son’s safety like that,” she explained.

She also did a bit of digging and found out their mutual friend was telling the truth. The worst part? Her husband had brought their son for a sleepover at a woman’s house, who she doesn’t even know.

She obviously confronted her husband, and he didn’t even deny what happened. Instead, he claimed that he was just taking their son on a playdate.

“I blew up and asked him why he thought he could take our child, who was barely 1 year old, anywhere without informing me for the night,” she recalled.

Prostock-studio – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or baby – pictured above a brunette woman plays with an infant on her lap

Then, she demanded to know the identity of the woman, and her husband refused to share any information. She cannot understand that, either, and believes that if he weren’t hiding anything, he would just tell her.

The real kicker is that her husband had the nerve to accuse her of overreacting and thinks she has no reason to be angry with him!

“Would you allow your significant other to take your child to a play date at night with someone you don’t know?” she asked.

“If he had taken the baby to a park or the mall to meet up with friends, that’s not a bother at all. But either way, a woman I do not know and an area we’ve never been to is completely unacceptable.”

After all, she tells her husband every single place she brings their son, whether that’s to a doctor’s appointment or a grocery store. Not to mention, their baby has never slept anywhere but at home.

She stated that if her husband’s relationship with this mystery woman turns out to be an affair, then she has every intention of divorcing him.

Until then, she’s been left wondering if getting so upset about her husband taking their baby to a sleepover behind her back is really that insane or not.

Does it seem like her husband is cheating on her? What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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