Her Uncle Freaked Out And Made Her Cry For Serving Vegan Food At Her Party

Iliya Mitskavets
Iliya Mitskavets - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only - pictured above is a vegan burger

About one week ago, this woman invited her family over for a barbecue at her new apartment. And given she’s been vegan since she was 15-years-old, she assumed everyone knew that she’d be serving vegan food.

Her menu included grilled burgers, pasta salad, fries, and a cake. Her family seemed to have a wonderful time, too, until her uncle asked a question about one specific ingredient: the cheese she’d put on the burgers.

Apparently, he thought it tasted strange and asked what kind of cheese she’d used. She responded that it was a vegan cheese, and in fact, everything she had made was vegan.

At that point, the entire vibe of the barbecue changed at the drop of a hat, and her uncle freaked out on her. Her grandparents took his side as well, and she began crying while all her relatives scolded her.

“My sister stayed and helped me clean and stuff, which made me feel better,” she recalled.

Nonetheless, the whole situation has left her both confused and mortified. Again, she went vegan as a teenager, even though her parents were reluctant at first.

She was eventually allowed to buy and cook herself vegan dishes, and on holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, her other relatives would never “leave her alone” regarding her dietary choices.

“And I had to bring my own food because they weren’t willing to accommodate me, which I was okay with since it was fine bringing my own stuff. I was there for family, not food,” she explained.

However, in the wake of her latest barbecue disaster, she’s been reminded of a traumatizing incident at her grandparents’ house that took place a year ago, and it’s making her feel guilty.

Iliya Mitskavets – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only – pictured above is a vegan burger

At the time, she was visiting, and her grandfather decided to grill some burgers. He also claimed he’d bought some vegan burgers for her specifically.

Well, once she took a bite and told her grandfather it tasted great, he revealed that it was actually meat. Then, he even called her “silly” for pretending not to like it.

According to her grandfather, she was “defying God” by being vegan because he believed that God put animals on Earth to be eaten. She wound up crying in the bathroom until her parents forced her to come out and apologize for ruining everyone else’s time.

“I never meant to make them feel the same way I felt when they fed me meat without my knowledge,” she detailed.

“But I assumed they knew everything would be vegan since I’ve been vegan for many years now, and it’s never been a secret that all the food I buy is vegan.”

Regardless of that, her family has been refusing to talk to her, saying that she forced them to “be vegan without their consent.” On top of that, she’s no longer welcome at Thanksgiving due to her vegan barbecue, and she has no clue what to do.

She’s tried apologizing to her family, yet they don’t seem to care about that and haven’t forgiven her.

“They said that they don’t want to see me until I eat meat again,” she vented.

And now that she’s being iced out by practically everyone except her sister, she’s been left wondering if serving vegan food at her barbecue was really such a jerky move.

If you went over to a vegan’s home, would you ever assume they’d serve meat? How should she handle this situation? 

You can read the original post below.

Pictured above is a screenshot of the original post for you to read

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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