She’s Calling CPS On Her Sister If She Doesn’t Clean Her House Before Her Baby’s Born

When you become a parent, you know how hard it is to keep your house clean and care for little ones.
But, it’s very important, as you have to raise your kid in a hygienic space.
A woman is backing up her family by telling her sister that she needs to clean up her animal-filled home before having her first baby, or they’ll report her to child services.
She is 32 and married and has a 30-year-old brother and 28-year-old sister.
Her sister is married and expecting her first child.
The inside of her sister’s house is already chaotic, as she has four dogs, six cats, and three ducks that live indoors. Her house is notorious for smelling bad and being extremely messy, mostly due to the animals.
“I cannot go in there without wanting to barf,” she explained.
“There is also laundry and junk everywhere. There’s no clean place to sit or walk. The floor is sticky. There are bugs. It’s so gross.”
She has no idea how her sister and her husband are supposed to raise a baby in that house, as it’s filthy and doesn’t seem safe for an infant.

Liubov Levytska – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person – pictured above a pregnant woman sits on a bed
The baby is only 12 weeks away, and her family has started putting pressure on her sister, encouraging her to hire a cleaning crew and get things fixed before she gives birth.
When her parents last visited her sister, they ended up threatening her.
“My dad basically gave her an ultimatum to get the house cleaned in and out, or they will call child welfare when the baby is born and go for custody,” she said.
“My sister called me upset, and I told her I agree with our parents.”
She told her sister she genuinely worries about the welfare of her future niece or nephew and that she, their parents, and their brother would do whatever it took to get her baby in a safe environment once it’s born.
While she tries not to judge anyone regarding messiness, her sister’s house is a health hazard, and she doesn’t think a baby should be born into those conditions.
She knows her sister will be a good mom otherwise, but she believes she won’t be able to parent properly in a home like that.
“I feel awful about it, but I’m with my parents on this particular ultimatum,” she added.
“However, the thought of calling child services on my sister just feels awful, and I’m not sure if that makes me awful or not.”
Should she feel bad for threatening her sister with child protective services, or is it a good idea?
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