The Argument For Why Dark Energy Doesn’t Really Exist

In 1998, astronomers analyzed the behavior of faraway supernovas and discovered that the universe is expanding at an accelerating pace. This led them to the stunning conclusion that the cosmos is essentially in a state of rapid, ongoing expansion.
The finding sent shockwaves through the field of cosmology, suggesting that the universe is likely headed toward a cold and desolate fate, with its components drifting further apart indefinitely. It also sparked a critical question: what is driving this acceleration?
Scientists ultimately theorized that a mysterious force, which they named dark energy, was responsible. To explain the phenomenon, they developed a cosmological framework known as the Lambda-Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model.
Dark energy isn’t able to be seen and hasn’t been definitively proven, but many scientists believe it must exist. This idea comes from its apparent role in influencing the universe’s behavior and is necessary to help answer some of the biggest questions about how the cosmos works.
By 2011, the astronomers behind this discovery were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics. However, dark energy is still one of the most puzzling challenges in cosmology today.
In fact, a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Canterbury argues that dark energy doesn’t actually exist.
It suggests the university is not expanding evenly in all directions. Rather, the growth of the universe appears to be “lumpier,” occurring in a more uneven and varied manner.
“These results provide evidence for a need to revisit the foundations of theoretical and observational cosmology,” the team said.
Central to this debate is the contrast between the Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) model and an alternative theory called “timescape” cosmology.

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This was introduced by David Wiltshire, who’s also a co-author of the recent study, and other scientists in 2007.
The FLRW model is based on the assumption that the universe is uniform, with light traveling evenly in every direction.
Still, some scientists argue that the universe is anything but uniform. Instead, it’s made up of dense galaxy clusters, enormous empty voids, and massive web-like structures that stretch across even larger scales.
As for timescape cosmology, Wiltshire’s theory builds on the idea that variations in gravitational forces throughout the universe can cause time to slow down for light waves.
This slowing effect makes type-la supernovas appear farther away than they actually are, giving the impression that they’re moving faster.
According to Wiltshire, this creates the illusion that the universe is expanding rapidly. In reality, the expansion could actually be slowing down, and his model challenges the need for dark energy to explain the universe’s behavior.
In the latest study, the researchers tested the timescape hypothesis by conducting a model-independent analysis using the Pantheon+ dataset, the largest collection of type-la supernova observations ever compiled.
Type-la supernovas play a key role since their intrinsic brightness is very consistent, making it possible for astronomers to accurately measure their distances.
The team examined the predictions of both the ΛCDM model and the timescape model, revealing significant evidence that supports the timescape model.
“Our findings show that we do not need dark energy to explain why the universe appears to expand at an accelerating rate. Dark energy is a misidentification of variations in the kinetic energy of expansion, which is not uniform in a universe as lumpy as the one we actually live in,” Wiltshire explained.
“The research provides compelling evidence that may resolve some of the key questions around the quirks of our expanding cosmos. With new data, the universe’s biggest mystery could be settled by the end of the decade.”
To read the study’s complete findings, which have since been published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, visit the link here.
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