
Bloodhound Saves 6-Year-Old Girl Kidnapped Back In May

One of Kinzleigh’s family members reported to the Department of Children Services that they had last seen the little girl on May 26th.

The Department of Children Services then reached out to the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office to report Kinzleigh as missing.

Now, the hunt was on to find Kinzleigh.

The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office brought in drones and airplanes with thermal imaging to help find Kinzleigh, but it was a bloodhound named Fred from the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Department who ended up leading authorities right to the little girl.

On the night of June 25th, Kinzeleigh was finally found, thanks to Fred!

“The bloodhound was able to locate a scent that led to an outbuilding located on the property belonging to Nicholas Reeder,” the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office continued in their statement.

“Officers did have to make forcible entry where they came in contact with Nicholas and Kinzleigh Reeder.”

“The door to the outbuilding was barricaded and the windows had been covered up with metal. There was no ventilation and air conditioning inside the small outbuilding.”

“There was barely any food or water for the child. The outbuilding had a strong ammonia smell where the two had been urinating and defecating in a five-gallon bucket.”

“34-year-old Nicholas Reeder and daughter Kinzleigh were found alive but barricaded in an outbuilding with little food and water on Reeder’s property in the Pea Ridge community Friday night. Authorities were led to the shed by a bloodhound used in the search.”

Nicholas was charged with child abuse or neglect and arrested. He also already had outstanding warrants for custodial interference and failure to appear.

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