His Boyfriend Expects Him To Divorce His Best Friend And Take Her Off His Health Insurance So He’s Asking The Internet Which One Of Them Is Being Unreasonable Here

A 37-year-old man got married to his 36-year-old best friend back when she was 20 and he was 21.

Now, they got married simply for convenience, since his best friend has a ton of health issues and cannot work.

Since they got married, his best friend has been able to be on be on his health insurance.

“…I wanted to help her and ensure she got all the help she needed, I am gay and she has had various long-term boyfriends so there was never a question of anything romantic between us, we don’t even live together,” he explained.

For the last 3 years, he has been dating his 36-year-old boyfriend, who happens to live with him as well.

Recently, his boyfriend has been saying that he needs to divorce his best friend, which he finds confusing since his boyfriend has absolutely no interest in getting married.

If his boyfriend wanted him to get a divorce so they could have a wedding, he would be understanding, but that’s not where his boyfriend is coming from at all.

His boyfriend considers his marriage to his best friend strange and his boyfriend decided that he feels uneasy about it, so that’s the reasoning behind his boyfriend wanting him to get divorced.

“I’ve made it very clear that I’m not going to divorce her and put her off my health insurance as she needs that and I’m not going to have my best friend fend for herself on the hellscape which is the American Healthcare System when she’s unable to work,” he said.

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“He thinks I’m being unreasonable and this led to a huge argument between us, I don’t think I’m being unreasonable as he has no interest in marriage and we already live together so this changes nothing for us.”

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“You are doing an amazing thing for someone. He needs to get over his feelings. The only thing I can think of is maybe he secretly wants marriage.”

“Otherwise his motives are selfish and just bad all around. Your friend is lucky to have someone like you in her life. Bravo my friend.”


“He knew this arrangement going into a relationship with you and it doesn’t hurt him at all. He’s being ridiculous.”


“Look, it’s really not that big of a deal to be with someone who is legally married to someone else, as long as the marriage is in name only.”

“I’m still married legally to my ex-husband, but we’ve been separated for 10yrs (neither of us will pay for the divorce and we are both stubborn) and it doesn’t bother my current partner at all. And that was an actual marriage, not one merely of convenience and no romantic interest at all.”

“…Your boyfriend needs to get over himself.”


“I mean you sound like an amazing person/friend and there should be more people like you in the world!”

“As you said, I would understand if he wanted to get married but since he doesn’t I don’t see how this would be an issue in your relationship at all. Congrats on being a great person though!”


“I have chronic disabling conditions and I can’t work anymore. Living like this is exhausting and stressful at best, soul-crushing at worst.”

“I recently lost my insurance and had to switch to Medicaid – which means finding several new doctors.”

“You’re easing such a heavy burden. You’re truly an amazing friend and I’m so glad that she has your support.”


“Your friend is lucky to have you. I would understand if your bf was wanting to get married but since he doesn’t, I don’t understand his issue with it.”

“Being nice to a friend shouldn’t be “weird”. I hope your bf can come to terms with your generosity and let it go.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.

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