
More Than a Love Story: Unpacking My Internalized Misogyny And Taylor Swift’s Range Of Music From Thirsty to Existential

There is specific lore surrounding “Enchanted.” Taylor met the lead singer of the band Owl City, Adam Young, and they had an instant spark.

Young even admitted to having a long-standing crush on Taylor and feeling “wonderstruck” when they met (a word that would later appear in “Enchanted”). Sadly, things never progressed beyond a few months of emailing back and forth. But Taylor has said this song is an ode to their encounter: “All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you.”

Taylor’s Silliest Song: “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things” (reputation)

Having conferred with a die-hard Swiftie, I feel confident enough to put this song at least in Taylor’s top five silly songs.

Here’s the chorus: “This is why we can’t have nice things, darling / Because you break them, I had to take them away.”

Comparing an emotionally immature ex to a toddler who lost toy privileges? Iconic.

Redundant Taylor: “Stay, Stay, Stay” (Red) and “All You Had to Do Was Stay” (1989)

This is a bit self-explanatory, but you could also consider the first a request and the second an expression of disappointment that the same love interest didn’t stay. “Stay, stay, stay / I’ve been loving you for quite some time, time, time.”

Then, the other song that came a few years later with 1989: “Hey, all you had to do was stay / Had me in the palm of your hand / Then why’d you have to go and lock me out when I let you in?”

Existential Taylor: “invisible string” (folklore)

This is arguably the song with the most beautiful, elegant guitar pattern, plucking each string with intentionality. And it JUST came on as I typed this. Fate!

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