She Already Adopted One Of Her Sister’s Children And Now That Her Sister Is Pregnant Again She’s Telling The Internet There’s No Way She’s Adopting A Second Baby From Her

A 35-year-old woman adopted her 9-year-old niece from her 26-year-old sister 7 years ago. Her mom and dad have many health problems and were unable to care for her sister’s daughter, so it fell on her to adopt her.

“I love my niece and I will never ever blame her for my sister’s mistakes, but it, unfortunately, uprooted my life,” she explained.

“It caused a significant sidetrack in my career and I’ve had to turn down better job offers even because they wouldn’t allow me to stay close enough to home.”

“My parents love my niece, but cannot take on the responsibility of caring for her so I don’t want to separate them.”

“I had never planned to have children. I even had a boyfriend before I took in my niece, but he also did not want to have children, and we made the decision to part when I took her in.”

She never once lied to her niece about the fact that her sister is really her biological mom, and 3 years ago her sister re-entered their lives.

Her sister had no intention of taking her daughter back since she still can’t afford to care for her at all and is struggling enough to provide for herself.

“My sister acts like an aunt to her daughter, not like a mother, and my niece still loves her mother greatly,” she said.

“This past holiday, we were at my parents to open presents and my sister gave my niece a present to open.”

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“It was a shirt that said “I’m going to be a big sister!” on it. We weren’t sure what this meant but my sister informed us that she was pregnant and that she would not be able to keep it and she was once again expecting me to take in the baby.”

Her parents and her niece were overjoyed about the news of a baby, but she just started sobbing and exited the room.

“My sister came in to talk to me and I told her that I wouldn’t be able to take in the baby,” she continued.

“I don’t want a new baby. I love my niece, but raising her is enough responsibility already.”

Her sister tried to guilt her into adopting her baby; saying it “would be wrong” of her not to adopt this second one.

Her sister claimed she wasn’t trying to get pregnant and has no clue who the dad is. Since their parents cannot take on a baby, her sister expects her to.

She did make it clear to her parents and her niece that she cannot take on a baby, and they were all extremely upset when she said no.

She knows adopting this baby would absolutely destroy her life, and yet, her parents and her niece are trying to get her to say yes.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“I think on some level this was her family plan all along. Basically, she gets to have kids, live her childfree life and have her sister act as a glorified free babysitter so she can swoop in for all the fun moments and Instagrammable aspects and leave when it comes to the difficult part.”

“Hell, I’m childfree and I’d consider having kids under that sweet deal sis has got going (pretending for a moment I’m a-holish enough to not give a damn about ruining someone’s life like that).”

“OP, tell her she’s the same age as you were when you had to raise the child SHE created. You weren’t ready either, but you had to step up thanks to the situation SHE put you in.”

“She can step up and sacrifice to deal with the situation SHE created for herself, or this time she can adopt her kid out and this time she’s not gonna be able to play Aunt while someone deals with the consequences.”


“My SO’s cousin abandoned two babies like a cuckoo bird before with the second, they convinced her to get sterilized. There’s something seriously wrong (ethically, mentally, whatever) for someone to do this.”

“I can’t have bio kids but I have more attachment to stray kittens than this sister has to her own spawn. Even still, I couldn’t take in a baby. Even if it was my niece or nephew. It wouldn’t be fair, I don’t have the income.”

“For anyone reading: kids are at least an $18,000/year expense, minimum, last I checked years back.”

“Even with gov help, there’s no way to meet a child’s basic needs if you don’t have ample income. When my family slipped under the poverty line, we had to stay with my grandparents in order to have food to eat. You can’t just miraculously create baby money from thin air.”


“Your sister needs to look into adoption. You need to get some counseling for you and your niece. Dealing with her mother in and out of her life has to be confusing.”


“Your sister is cruel to manipulate a child like that. She should have spoken with you first before assuming anything, let alone telling your niece that you would be adopting another child.”

“Maybe your sister shouldn’t be as much in your niece’s life going forward…”


“I’m sorry, springing an entire baby on a person, in such a public display where she knew it would look bad on you if you refused. That’s crazy manipulative and horrible.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.

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