This College Girl Took Her Cat For A Walk Around Campus And She’s Asking The Internet If She’s Wrong For Refusing To Let A Child Pet Her Kitten Because This Kid’s Mom Was Acting Weird

A 21-year-old woman has a 5-month-old kitten who is extremely kind. She raised her kitten in her college dorm room (where they currently still live) so her kitten loves people.
She normally takes her kitten for walks around campus, and when she does, she will allow other people to play with or pet her kitten.
“Recently a mom and her son who’s around 10-11-ish has been taking walks around campus the same time I do,” she explained.
“It’s an open campus and it’s usually fun to see families here during breaks.”
This mom that she ran into on one of her walks asked her if her son was able to pet her kitten, to which she said yes.
As this woman’s son is petting her kitten, the mom snatches her kitten right out of her hands and passes the kitten to her son.
The woman never asked her if she could let her son hold her kitten, which definitely rubbed her the wrong way, but the boy was very kind to her kitten so she tried to brush it off.
“But the mom’s saying kind of weird things like “this cat loves you” and “poor cat having to live in a dorm.” Stuff like that to her son,” she said.
“Like Ma’am this cat has a three-tier pink castle, unlimited pets, and homemade cat toys don’t you worry about her.”
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Around one week after this run-in with the woman and her son, she was walking her kitten again around campus when she came across them.
The woman asked if her son could pet her kitten that day, and although she did agree to this for a second time, she was very adamant about being the only person to hold her kitten since she didn’t want this woman snatching her kitten away again.
“The woman then tells me her son has never bonded this much with a kitten (um he’s met her twice) and offers to buy my kitten because it deserves more space and to be an outdoor cat… apparently?” she continued.
“I was kind of offended because I love my cat and think I give her a great life, I’m always on time with vet appointments and am a very responsible pet owner.”
Well, not surprisingly, she ran into this woman and her son a third time on another walk with her kitten, and once more, the woman asked her if her son could pet her kitten.
This time, she told the woman no and she walked away from them. She could see that the boy was very upset she said no this time, and it’s not because of him that she said no in the first place.
She did feel bad for the kid, but the mom really did not make her feel comfortable at all and she just didn’t want to have to deal with her.
Here’s what the internet had to say.
“I’d worry that mother was going to try to steal the cat. Anyway, one is NEVER required to stop and let someone pet your animal. People need to stop acting so entitled.”
“I’d respond that I’ve never felt so bonded to a kid before and tell her she should just give me her kid and then the kid & cat can be together.”
“Oh, you don’t want to hand your kid over to a stranger? That’s weird cos you just asked me to hand over my cat, I assumed you were cool with that sort of thing…”
“Hopefully mom will quit trying to snatch other people’s kittens and just get him one of his own already. But you should 100% not let yours out of your hands anywhere near her.”
“I would’ve done the same. That kid is in for a lifetime of this (with a mom like that!), so he’ll get used to it, unfortunately.”
“She doesn’t get to bully you, insult you, and then try to guilt you by using her son.”
“Yes the kid did nothing wrong and the kid is not in any way responsible for his mother’s behavior. That said, she (the mom) was exhibiting strange behavior that made you (and would have made me) uncomfortable.”
“How do you know it wasn’t escalating to her trying to steal your cat? You don’t. You don’t know what her intentions were, but she’s to blame for not conducting herself better. She got her child’s feelings hurt being a weirdo.”
“If it’s an open campus, this woman is either assuming you live in a dorm or she’s literally followed you home to see if you did.”
“Be wary of her anywhere near your building and change your walk time to avoid her.”
You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.
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