
This European Model Went Viral On TikTok After Revealing That She Wears A “Fat Suit” For Plus-Sized Shoots

Who thought that the modeling industry could get any worse? Unrealistic beauty expectations are nothing new.

Yet, a European “plus-size” model named Karoline Bjornelykke shocked the TikTok community when she revealed a wholly dishonest and damaging practice that has become standard in the plus-sized modeling industry.

Karoline posted a TikTok on her account, @CoolQuinn, and detailed exactly how the industry makes “average” sized models appear larger for clothing ads.

“I am a plus-sized model, which means that I sometimes work for plus-sized brands,” Karoline said before showing her very-obviously slender figure in the mirror.

She explained how these brands typically carry sizes XL to 5XL. And Karoline is nowhere near representative of those sizes.

“If you have eyes, you can see that I am not that size. So, how do we fix this problem? Well, I have to bring padding to work– which is basically a fat suit,” she said.

Karoline showed a string bag stuffed with pads that look nearly identical to sports bra inserts. Then, she showed the TikTok community how models stuff these under clothing items to appear larger.

“You just stuff them in, which makes you look a lot bigger. And, if that isn’t enough, you just pin the clothing in the back,” Karoline said while turning around to show a disastrous shirt back.

TikTok; pictured above is Karoline in her video

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