
Women Who Struggled With Their Self-Esteem Give Tips On How They Were Finally Able To Find Their Confidence In Their Own Skin

She Stopped Following Certain People On Social Media And Started Practicing Self-Care

“Stop following people on social media that only show the perfect edited side of thing. Stop following people whose bodies I compare mine to even though we have different body structures.”

“Follow people who are working on self-improvement but also are confident and show the real side of them selfs. Self-care and good diet! 80% of the time be taking care of yourself well, aka good food that is nutritious and yummy workout style that you love good skin and hair care etc.”

“20% of the time indulging and don’t think about it. Sometimes this looks like having a really clean diet but having a little bit of wine and chocolate in the evenings that week. Other times it may look like mostly nutritious food but 2 meals eating out that week.”


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