
Could Taylor Swift Be A Future Fiction Writer? Here Are The Best Characters To Ever Come Alive In Her Music

Though “betty” comes before “august” on the album, it takes place in the immediate fallout of James’ infidelity. “Slept next to her, but / I dreamt of you all summer long.”

It talks about James wondering what would happen if he showed up at a party at her house.

“In the garden would you trust me / If I told you it was just a summer thing? / I’m only 17, I don’t know anything / But I know I miss you.”

It’s unclear whether Betty and James ever unite romantically, but it’s clear that James wants a second chance. The only thing I wanna do / Is make it up to you.”

Honorable Mention for Best Fictional Character: Rebekah (folklore)

In “the last great american dynasty,” Rebekah ruins her husband’s spotless, seaside manor, Holiday House, with her loud parties and eccentric personality.

“Their parties were tasteful, if a little loud / The doctor had told him to settle down / It must have been her fault his heart gave out.”

And onlookers reflected: “There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen,” and “She had a marvelous time ruinin’ everything.”

At the end of the song, it’s revealed that 50 years later, Taylor herself purchased the house. And it’s now “Free of women with madness, their men and bad habits.” Taylor also takes up the torch of “ruining everything.” 

So, do we want Taylor to dream up her next album-long love triangle, or is a historic Kennedy-esque deep dive more what we’re looking for in 2022? Guess we’ll have to wait for her next surprise album, though hopefully, she can find inspiration outside of quarantine!

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