
Women On The Internet Share Their “Nice Guy” Horror Stories

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Traditionally, the “bad boy” archetype is often romanticized in popular media, and “nice guys” come out on the bottom.

Well, the term “nice guy” has taken on a new meaning in recent years– and it is not as positive as it may sound.

According to Urban Dictionary, “nice guy syndrome” is known as when a man thinks “he’s entitled to date or have sexual relationships with women simply because he sees himself as a ‘good person.'”

This entitlement can manifest itself into various issues, ranging from clinginess to emotional manipulation and abuse.

So, one Reddit user named Jin_Kazama_18 wanted to hear from women who went for the “nice guy” in real life. Over nine thousand women commented and shared their horror stories.

This Man Moved Way Too Fast

“I was coming out of a string of toxic and abusive relationships. So, I promised myself that I would find a nice guy to date.”

“Well, I had a first date with this one guy I will call Tim. Tim was nice, and we had fine conversations. I did not feel any immediate chemistry, but I also was not used to dating guys who were not blatant jerks.”

“I told myself I’d go on one more date with him and see if the connection grew in any way. After our second date, though, I was back home in ninety minutes. Again, no sparks, but he was nice, and it was not a bad date.”

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