
Women Share The Hilarious Ways They Scare Away Creepy Men In Public

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Unfortunately, most women have suffered through the uncomfortable experience of being approached by strange men in public. Sometimes it can be harmless. Most times, though, you try to flee the scene as soon as possible.

One Reddit user named Trdrps asked the women of the internet what their best tactics are for scaring away these creepy men. The responses are comedic gold.

These Women Go For The Gross Factor

“I once just acted like I was going to throw up. The creep, and everyone within a twenty-foot radius, gave me plenty of space.”


“One of my coworkers told me to smile more. I was eating yogurt, so I smiled and slowly squished it through my teeth. He has not spoken to me since.”


“The oldest trick in the book– poop in your hand and throw it at him.”


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