
DNA Sequencing Is Helping More Than Humans: This Company Has Hopes Of Decoding An Entire Reptile Genome

Benson Morrill, the owner of Rare Genetics Inc., describes one of the project’s possible outcomes as “to maximize the health of future generations of reptiles by ensuring individuals that are bred are the most genetically variable.”

Genetic variation is necessary for natural selection. According to National Geographic, “natural selection is the process through which species adapt to their environments. It is the engine that drives evolution.”

For more information on the project and to help further research, check out their GoFundMe here

In my opinion, science is super cool. To determine so much information about a living creature by sequencing its DNA is impressive.

The advances in the technology of determining genetic markers in humans alone have helped so many people with the prevention and early detection of rare diseases and disorders.

Early and accurate diagnoses are vital to preventing disease progression. Support your geeks and nerds (I married one). Scientific innovation is helping our species survive and evolve.

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