
One Of The Women Who Works For Him Started Stealing Food From His Restaurant, So He Forced Everyone To Throw Food Out At The End Of The Night

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A man owns a small pizza restaurant that serves upscale organic pies and pasta. His wife, who works at a free medical clinic, recently made a new friend, Linda, who was struggling with 4 children under 10-years-old and no income.

He agreed to give Linda a job as a cook for the restaurant for $11 an hour. This also included tips, a free staff meal, and leftovers at the night’s end.

However, he soon realized that there were more leftovers than usual, and the staff couldn’t explain why.

He talked to the staff about not making too many extra pizzas just before closing time, but the problem worsened.

Eventually, he learned that Linda had been taking food home for her family. Though this was allowed, it became clear that she had been making extra food with the sole purpose of bringing it home.

He broached the subject with his staff and asked them to stop eating leftovers for the time being. After all, there was a calculable financial loss from all the extra food not being sold, and he assumed that this would resolve the issue.

But the food continued to go missing, and though Linda apologized when confronted, her behavior remained unchanged.

And even after the leftovers policy was changed, he learned that she had been putting food in her bag.

Finally, after a month and a half, he had no choice but to fire her since the financial loss was too significant.

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