
She Was Diagnosed With Colon Cancer After A Doctor Wrote Her Off As Being Fat, And She Credits TikTok With Saving Her Life

Fatphobia is real and can be fatal.

Many plus-size people have shared how they are treated differently– in academic settings, during social outings, and even just while out in public– due to their size.

But, back in February of 2021, one woman named Amanda shared her utter frustration after a doctor’s appointment went wrong on TikTok.

She had visited a gastrointestinal doctor complaining of pain every time she ate. Amanda was also experiencing recurring and severe abdominal cramping for months. Her doctor, though, wrote off her concerns.

“Maybe it’s not such a bad thing,” the doctor said in regards to her eating habits.

This initial tear-filled TikTok went viral, reaching nearly six hundred thousand people and gaining over one hundred thousand likes. People from across the nation encouraged Amanda to report the doctor and seek out a new medical office.

Amanda thankfully did report him to the medical board. However, her pain ended up being nowhere near “nothing.”

One year later, Amanda has posted an update on her condition.

TikTok; pictured above is Amanda

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