
A Washington Fire Department Rescued This Woman After She Fell Headfirst Into An Outhouse

Tim Manly, Brinnon Fire Department’s Chief, described how this was a first for him and his team.

“I have been doing this for forty years, and that was a first. This was pretty unique,” Manly said.

The firefighters did wash the woman down, but after such an ordeal, the woman just wanted to get home.

“She was strongly encouraged to seek medical attention after being exposed to human waste. But, she only wanted to leave,” the fire department said in a statement.

Brinnon Fire Department also described the rescue in a now-viral Facebook post and explained how the woman was “extremely fortunate not to be overcome by toxic gases or sustain injury.”

This Facebook post alone garnered over three thousand likes and fifteen hundred comments. People everywhere were thankful she was okay and also took the opportunity to have a laugh.

“Oh my god. I cannot imagine how it felt to be in that situation. I would rather be dead than rescued, even if you soaked me in Clorox,” commented one Facebook user.

“The next time I complain about having a bad day, I am going to remember this story and realize that my day isn’t so bad. I am glad she was okay,” added a second user.

To read the original Facebook post, visit the link here.

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