
This Dad Is Trying To Raise Enough Money To Buy His Daughter A Device That Will Help Her Stand Up On Her Own

Molly’s foot is currently frozen in a painful position, and in order for her to stand up properly, she will need a special device.

Molly and her family created the GoFundMe page to generate funds for a standing frame, which is a device that will help Molly stand up properly with no pain.

The way the machine works is that Molly would be gently strapped into it while it lifts her up to a standing position. The machine could also help improve the condition of her foot, which would be fantastic.

After a few successful months with donations from lots of loving friends, family, and kind strangers, Molly got sized and evaluated for a standing frame.

They are going to be able to afford a frame that has additional functions to help Molly get around easier.

The family also received news this month that Molly is eligible for a surgical procedure to help her foot in the near future.

While she heals and receives physical therapy, the standing frame will be a huge part of her recovery process.

To read more about Molly’s story, visit the link here.

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