
Women Share What They Have Given Up To Cope With The Rapid Market Inflation

contrastwerkstatt - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

As of March 2022, the Consumer Price Index has increased a whopping eight and a half percent.

And according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, this represents “the largest twelve-month advance since December 1981.”

Virtually no industry has been able to escape the frustrating price gauges. Gasoline costs have grown fifty percent more expensive compared to last year, and the price of food has risen about seven percent.

Not to mention the relentlessly spiking mortgage rates and predicted national home price increase of nearly six percent over the next year, according to real estate research firm CoreLogic.

With so many financial stressors, Americans across the nation have been forced to delay many life milestones along with day-to-day wants and needs.

One Reddit user also recently asked women on the internet to share exactly what they have given up due to the market, and the upsetting question spurred over one and a half thousand comments.

“[I gave up] dreams of owning a home this year, lol,” wrote one disheartened user.

“Ditto. Pre-COVID, I had actually met with a financial planner and was very motivated by the possibility. Now, that whole idea is dead and buried,” agreed another user.

Other women have had to either partly or entirely forfeit commodities.

contrastwerkstatt – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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