
A Woman Is Furious That Her Little Sister Entered A Serious Relationship Before Her And Is Making It The Whole Family’s Problem

Andy Dean - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A good old-fashioned sister rivalry can be healthy. But, at some point, enough is seriously enough.

This woman is sick of being stuck in the middle of her two sisters’ drama– Sally and Christine.

Sally is a twenty-nine-year-old who has never really been in a serious relationship before. Sally’s younger sister Christine, though, is twenty-five-years-old and has brought out many of Sally’s relationship insecurities.

It all began when Christine met and started dating her boyfriend in college about seven years ago. Sally was not happy to hear that her younger sister was in a serious relationship before her and immediately acted cold toward the boyfriend.

The woman even remembers when Sally approached her about feeling insecure all those years ago.

“She confided in me about how hard it was to watch her younger sister in a serious relationship. It was especially tough because a husband and family is something that Sally wants more than anything,” the woman said.

At the time, she was understanding. The woman encouraged her sister to put herself out there and also find someone– like a therapist– to discuss her insecurities with.

Since then, though, Sally has put in no effort. Instead, she has only become more hostile and isolated toward Christine’s partner.

Andy Dean – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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