
She Ran Into A Guy At The Gym Who Gave Her Unsolicited Workout Advice, So She Told Him Off

Syda Productions - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 22-year-old girl began going to the gym not too long ago, but the reality is that she cannot do many things that other gymgoers can do.

She has a condition called POTS, or Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, and it impacts the blood flow in her body.

Her condition means it’s outright dangerous for her to do some of the things that we take for granted in a gym.

The only pieces of equipment she is able to use right now are the rowing machines and recumbent bikes.

“The whole reason I started to exercise in the first place was not to lose weight or gain muscle but to hopefully manage my condition better,” she explained.

“Unfortunately, a lot of “gym rats” don’t seem to get that. I encountered said gym rat today as I was finishing up my workout.”

“I work out late at night to avoid people, and I have seen him around most nights I am there. Right as I was getting ready to leave, he comes over to me and starts to critique my exercise routine.”

This guy advised her that she was going to see essentially no improvement in what she was doing if she was only going to come in and use the same machines.

He said that she needed to incorporate weights and cardio too. She wasn’t quite sure how to handle this guy, so she said nothing for a few seconds before trying to say that she did appreciate what he was saying, yet she did not need any pointers.

Syda Productions – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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