This Dad Put Dirty Dishes On His Daughter’s Bed After She Failed To Pick Up After Herself

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Drobot Dean - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A dad has a 20-year-old daughter who he is in constant conflict with over household chores. His daughter never wants to pitch in around their house, and the dishes are the one chore she absolutely hates doing.

Every evening before he heads off to bed, he pops into the kitchen to ensure that all of their dishes are clean and put back.

He and his daughter never really sit down to eat dinner with one another, as she works at night pretty frequently, and she comes home and makes food after she gets off work.

Although they do have a dishwasher, his daughter never uses it, and she piles up her dirty dishes right there in their sink.

Even if she’s off work, she puts her dishes in the sink instead of cleaning them or placing them in the dishwasher.

He’s constantly picking up after her, even though he asks her to please pick up after herself.

A day ago, his daughter and her boyfriend made a mess in the kitchen, only to not pick up their mess, and he finally had enough.

“When I woke up the next morning to get ready for work, I saw the same dirty dishes from the day before, only to be piled up with more dirty dishes,” he explained.

“I found a plastic bin and stacked all of the dirty dishes inside, took it down to her room, and placed them on her bed. She went ballistic.”

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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“I said I can’t stand seeing the dirty dishes from yesterday while I am working, and I am tired of nagging at her to clean whenever she messes up the kitchen.”

His daughter then called up his ex-wife and got her involved, and his ex-wife is berating him for handling the dirty dishes in this way.

His ex-wife thinks he’s a “bad parent,” and some of his friends also do not agree with what he did.

If you were him, would you have done the same thing?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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