
After This Woman Did Not Respond To An Unsolicited Picture From Her Tinder Date, He Accused Her Of Being Needy

Finally, the man did answer Rebekah– but instead of owning up to his feelings, he simply said, “Let’s call this quits,” before calling her needy!

So, understandably, Rebekah felt really frustrated and began to cry over this man. It’s not even the guy in particular that made her upset, though– it is the general expectation that women on dating apps should lower their standards and settle for unwarranted photos and lackluster communication.

“It is exhausting,” she finished.

And Rebekah’s all-too-relatable TikTok reached over one hundred and thirty-seven thousand viewers and prompted nearly one thousand comments from women throughout the TikTok community.

The commenters’ overwhelming consensus was that Rebekah should never put up with another man like that again.

“You were being waaay too polite. I already would have ended the conversation after the ‘not anytime soon’ message,” wrote one commenter.

“Do not waste another tear! It is good he has passed you by!” commented a second user.

“You should never text him again. That is not a normal thing to do; that is not flirting,” added a third.

Other women also divulged how much they relate to Rebekah’s struggle.

“Dating can be SO infuriating,” commented one user.

“This is how I feel nowadays, too. We are not crying so much about them because we cannot even get to know them properly. It is just because we are drained,” agreed another user.

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