
She Made 7 Courses For Her Dinner Party, But One Of Her Friends Showed Up Sick And Wasted A Bunch Of Food, So She Told Her Friend She Ruined The Whole Night

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This woman and her husband recently completed a bunch of home renovations which included a completely redone kitchen.

So, in an effort to celebrate her new space, she invited four friends over for a housewarming girls’ night dinner party.

But, a few days before the dinner was set to take place, her friend– Jan– told her that she was not feeling well.

Apparently, Jan had taken a rapid COVID-19 test and was going to get one done at the clinic, too. So, Jan promised to keep her updated on the results.

Then, on the morning of the dinner party, Jan reached out and let her know that every test was negative.

“I told her at every interaction that if she was not feeling well, there was no pressure for her to come. But, she assured me she was fine and was excited for the night,” she recalled.

Nonetheless, after Jan showed up for the evening, she immediately did not seem well. Jan was constantly sighing, rubbing her forehead, and even passed on the tour of her home renovations.

She tried to look past it all, though, and was still excited to serve her friends dinner. She loves to cook and worked really hard on preparing a seven-course meal for everyone– which she was super proud of.

But then, after serving it, she noticed Jan was not thrilled.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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