
She Said That Her Spoiled Younger Sister Has Achieved Nothing In Life In Front Of Their Whole Family After Her Sister Tried To Disparage Her Own Career

“The store went bankrupt after a year. And now, Olivia is unemployed and living with our parents,” she explained.

But, even though the sisters have received nearly opposite parental guidance and support throughout their lives, she never really expressed her upset to her parents or Olivia.

That was until this past month, though, when Olivia spoke completely out of line.

It all began when she was celebrating her son’s second birthday and hosted a family dinner.

Since successfully pursuing her bachelor’s and master’s degrees, she is now working as a creative writing tutor on the side to earn some extra money. So, while sitting with her aunt, she was sharing what she does at her side job.

“I help my students with world-building and whatever else they need help with in their stories. My students are all passionate people with genuinely good ideas,” she said.

Eventually, though, Olivia also joined the conversation and asked her a few questions. Then, she totally spoke out of turn.

“It’s not like you would ever be able to make it big yourself. No offense, sis,” Olivia said to her.

Hearing that from Olivia understandably enraged her– especially after all the years of dealing with her lack of work ethic. So, she quickly delivered a biting comeback.

“Livvy, a quick reminder that you have accomplished nothing in your life without mom or dad holding your hand. As soon as you do, you can criticize my work all you’d like,” she responded.

Afterward, Olivia was utterly taken aback before causing a massive scene in front of the entire family. Then, her parents and a few relatives also jumped in to back Olivia– calling the response “cruel.”

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