She Confronted Her Coworker For Wearing Tops That Show Her Cleavage Off, And Now Her Coworker Is Avoiding Her

Kalim - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Kalim - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A woman recently got a new coworker named Christina, and Christina sits pretty close to where she does.

She says that Christina is nice, married, has kids, and is in her late 30s. She’s spoken to Christina at work on multiple occasions, and although she has had no complaints about her new coworker’s personality, she sure has an issue with how she dresses.

“We work close by, and one time she was sitting and moved to the side, and her already showing cleavage got clearer,” she explained.

“The office got awkward, and the guys there looked down. It was obviously something minor, but it kept happening.”

“I had a couple of our male coworkers complain to me about Christina’s cleavage (I’m more of a tomboy woman, so the men feel comfortable enough around me); they were saying that having to be forced to encounter a similar situation to the one I mention makes them uncomfortable.”

She then did take note of every top that Christina showed up to work in from there, and she felt that each one was made to show off Christina’s cleavage.

She decided it would be best to confront Christina about this, and she walked right up to her and stated that her cleavage was on display.

Christina nodded back in response and didn’t say a single word, so she kept pressing her. She then questioned Christina if she was wearing clothes like this on purpose, and Christina clearly was hurt by that.

Christina wanted to know if she had some kind of a problem, and she blurted out that she felt Christina was acting strange.

Kalim – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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“I flat out said that it felt weird to me if this was the case and that it was kind of weird also that a married woman is okay with her cleavage showing at a professional workplace with male co-workers around,” she said.

“She got upset and asked how it was any of my business what she chooses to wear. respectfully, I told her she could wear whatever she want, but some employees just don’t feel comfortable having been exposed to this kind of stuff at work. She told me that it was none of my business and that those who have an issue with her clothes should stop being cowards hiding behind me and come talk to her face to face.”

Her conversation with Christina spiraled into a full-blown disagreement right then and there in front of everyone. Later on, a couple of her fellow female coworkers stated that they were in agreement with her, but they expected her to have broken this news to Christina in a nicer way.

Christina is avoiding her and the rest of her coworkers post conversation, and she believes Christina is not acting in a professional matter.

“I tried talking to her, and another argument started with her saying she’d take this to the administrators if “I keep it up,” but I was really just trying to talk things out,” she continued.

She’s left wondering if she was rude to confront Christina after all. Do you think so?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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