
She Told Her Sister Not To Have Another Baby Because Her Boyfriend Already Does Not Do Anything For The First One

fotofabrika - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This woman’s sister is twenty-nine years old and never really saw herself getting married. And, of course, there is nothing wrong with that.

But her sister did always want to have children. So, her sister decided to have a baby with her long-term boyfriend. And honestly, she believes that her sister made a terrible decision since her sister’s boyfriend does not help her at all.

Apparently, he does not work and still collects disability– even though his medical issue reportedly got resolved a long time ago. This means that he is able to help pay for some of the bills at her sister’s house, but not a lot.

On top of the financial stuff, though, her sister’s boyfriend just does not help out with his daughter– who is now one and a half years old. Instead, he just sits on the couch and plays video games all day.

“My sister works from home, so she will be on a wireless headset having a conference call with the baby on her hip while she’s cleaning the kitchen. And her boyfriend will be playing video games in the living room,” she revealed.

“That’s the situation every time I come over, and my sister tells me that’s what it’s always like.” Yikes.

And obviously, she wants to be there for her sister. However, she works full-time as a nurse, picked up a third shift, and her sister lives a whopping two hours away from her.

So, she goes over to her sister’s house to help whenever she can. But, it is just not feasible for her to be her sister’s go-to. And honestly, her sister does not understand that.

For instance, when she had a two-week-long vacation last winter, her sister actually got mad at her for not going to babysit enough. Her sister had also expressed the same frustrations several times during the workweek when she did not have time off.

fotofabrika – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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