
Check Out This Unique Recipe For Pumpkin Chicken Pillows

-A bag of shredded Rotisserie chicken

-Browned bacon

-1 Tablespoon garlic powder

-Pepper and salt

-1 Teaspoon of paprika

-2 Packs of crescent rolls

One reason this is an easy recipe is that you can just put all the above ingredients–besides the crescent rolls–in one big mixing bowl and blend them nicely with a spatula. 

After the filling, put the bowl aside and open up the crescent rolls. Like a lot of people, Katerina chooses the Pillsbury brand. 

During this step, Katerina also gives out a tip, “combine two triangles to make a rectangle.” We will have more space for the fillings.

After placing the fillings, wrap the whole thing into a ball. Now here’s the question, how do you make those dough-looking balls into pumpkins?

Here comes Katerina’s secret. Get ready for another set of ingredients for the pumpkin outward: 2 eggs, Cheeto crumbs, and a splash of milk.

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