
Here Are Five Surprising “Love Actually” Facts That Will Make You Want To Watch The Classic Film All Over Again

2. The Lake Scene Was A Total Fake

Do you remember when Jamie, played by Colin Firth, and his love interest Aurelia, played by Lúcia Moniz, had the leap into the lake to save all of his writing? Well, if their dives, flailing arms, and gasps seemed authentic, then the actors had you totally fooled.

The lake used to film was nowhere near as deep as the scene had viewers believe. Instead, the water was only eighteen inches deep!

So, the pair of stars were forced to kneel down and act for their lives while pretending to be struggling in deep water.

According to cast members, the water’s depth was not the only problem with that lake, either. Apparently, it was also infested with mosquitos– resulting in Colin’s elbow swelling to the size of a ripe avocado following so many bites.

3. The Jaw-Dropping Age Difference Between Juliet And Sam

The beautiful bride Juliet was played by Keira Knightley, who ultimately discovered that her new husband’s best bud never hated her at all. Instead, the best friend was actually just madly in love with her. Go figure!

At the same, Sam was played by Thomas Brodie-Sangster– a young boy who was navigating the pain of being in love with his school crush, Joanna.

So, being that Juliet was literally walking down the aisle and Sam was trying to snag a simple kiss on the cheek, wouldn’t you think that the pair of actors were pretty far apart in age?

Well, if you did, then you thought wrong– because while filming the movie, Keira was just eighteen years old, and Thomas was only thirteen. This means that the stars were only five years apart!

The next time you watch Love Actually, I’m sure you won’t be able to get that realization out of your head.

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