Well, to kick off her shift, Tay’s first customer had a bill of $20.83. At the end of his meal, he gave Tay a $100 bill and told her to “keep the change.” Wow!
After the first generous tipper, her day alternates between making average, low, and very generous tips. For example, a few customers gave her the bare minimum as a tip. One customer had a bill of $16.00 and only gave her a $3.00 tip. That is barely over 15% gratuity.
However, Tay still had some great customers who were very generous. One of her regular customers gave her a $40.00 tip on a $9.63 bill.
But the best part of Tay’s shift was when a table of 35 guests came in. Tay writes that it was a kid’s baseball team with their families. It sounds like a nightmare, having to serve 35 people at the end of your shift while you’re around seven months pregnant. But the payoff from this table was most certainly worth it.
The large party had multiple checks that added well up to over $1,000. Tay worked extra hours to take care of this large party.
“I basically pulled a double, but it’s fine,” says Tay in her car at the end of her shift. “I made my money, so it was worth it.”
Tay’s final tip count ended up being a whopping $417. How amazing is that? Tay ended up having a healthy baby boy in late July. We wish her and her family the best!
To view the original TikTok video, visit the link here.
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