
Her Teen Daughter’s Friend Made A Comment About Her Weight During A Family Dinner, So She Banished The Friend From Their House Until They Apologize

But to be honest, she was not having it. According to her, her daughter’s friend had just leveled an entirely uncalled-for insult at her.

However, it’s not like her daughter’s friend did not realize the comment came out wrong.

“My daughter’s friend seemed to realize that she had messed up,” she revealed.

“But, she didn’t say anything else. We finished an awkward dinner in mostly silence, and my daughter’s friend did stay the night.”

Now, this entire incident obviously happened a couple of months ago. This past week, though, her daughter ended up asking if she could have that same friend over at the house again. But she ended up telling her daughter that the friend would have to apologize first.

Apparently, her daughter was confused by that at first and asked what her friend needed to apologize for.

So, she reminded her daughter about the dinner table comment, but her daughter honestly did not see a reason for her friend to apologize.

In fact, her daughter claimed that the situation was well over by now and said that she did not want to bring it up again.

In turn, her daughter then went over to her husband and asked the same question– if the friend could come over again.

And her husband ended up just saying yes without giving it a second thought. But then, her daughter told her husband what she had said about the required apology, and her husband ended up calling her out.

“[The friend] just felt awkward and tried to make a joke. It didn’t land. For the sake of our daughter, can’t you just let it go?” her husband asked.

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