
His Fiancée Left Him At The Altar, But Now She Wants Him To Take Her Back, And He Has No Idea What To Do 

Vadym - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This twenty-eight-year-old man had been dating his girlfriend since he was twenty-one, and she was nineteen.

And since they met at such a young age, they practically grew up together and got to go through everything by each other’s side.

The only real issue in their relationship, though, was that whenever his girlfriend became panicked, she would run away from her problems.

“She used to randomly break up with me and try to dip when we were very young,” he recalled.

But, after the first two or three years of their relationship together, they were able to talk through his girlfriend’s tendency to flee, and it got better. In fact, his girlfriend had not done anything like that in years.

So, about a year ago, he decided to finally propose. And according to him, the decision was hardly a surprise.

Apparently, he and his girlfriend had discussed marriage for years. They both agreed it would happen after his girlfriend finished her MBA and obtained a stable job in his city. And after those things happened, it felt like the perfect time to pop the question.

Of course, though, after his girlfriend said yes, the chaos of wedding planning ensued– and it was very stressful for both of them.

He detailed how they are both from another country where grand and luxe weddings are the norm. So, planning such a large event– as well as flying people out, finding accommodations, etc.– was hardly a small task.

Vadym – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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