She Told Her 7-Year-Old Stepdaughter Not To Call Her Mom Because It Made Her Uncomfortable, And Now Her Husband Is Furious With Her

Zdenka Darula - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Zdenka Darula - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This forty-two-year-old woman met her husband, who is forty-four, about six years ago. And now, they have been married for two years.

She does not just live with her husband, though, because he also has a daughter– who is seven– from a previous marriage.

And apparently, her husband’s last marriage kind of crashed and burned because his ex-wife cheated on him.

So, not only was he hurt by his ex, but his daughter was, too. In fact, his daughter actually barely ever sees her mother now because her husband’s ex is constantly away from home, traveling around the world.

She obviously feels terrible about that, too, particularly since her stepdaughter has not really had a great mother figure in her life to look up to.

“So I have been trying my best to take her out to do girly things and bond with her since her mother is not around to do so,” she revealed.

Recently, though, her efforts to step in and be that consistent woman figure in her stepdaughter’s life ended up making her just uncomfortable. And it all began with her name.

Apparently, in the past, her stepdaughter would always just call her by her first name. While sitting at the table to eat dinner this week, though, her stepdaughter called her “mom” instead.

And honestly, she claimed that the title did not feel right and just made her pretty uncomfortable. So, she shut it down.

Zdenka Darula – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“I told her, ‘I’m sorry, but I’m not your mother. You can’t call me that, sweetie,” she recalled.

Sadly, though, that kind of broke her stepdaughter’s heart. First, the seven-year-old looked shocked, and then her stepdaughter actually started to tear up. So, if you could not have guessed, she and her husband ended up getting into a massive argument over the “mom” title later that night.

He thinks that what she said to her stepdaughter was absolutely awful. Plus, he even told her that since her stepdaughter feels comfortable and close enough to call her mom, she should just feel special for earning that important title. However, she claims that her husband just does not understand her perspective on the situation. And it has to do with her stepdaughter’s biological mom.

“Her mother is still very much alive,” she said, “and I don’t want to disrespect her by taking her title as ‘mom.'”

At the same time, though, she also admitted to the entire situation feeling just very awkward. After all, she was so used to being called by her own name, and the use of “mom” at the dinner table totally caught her off guard. So now, amidst her husband’s and stepdaughter’s upset, she has been left wondering whether not wanting to be called “mom” makes her a real jerk or not.

Can you imagine how her stepdaughter must have felt at that moment, especially since her stepdaughter’s biological mom is always absent? At the same time, can you understand why the title “mom” might make her uncomfortable? Do you think she and her stepdaughter can find a way to fix this misunderstanding together? How would you approach this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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